

the mom factor - john townsend
covert passive aggressive narcissist - debbie mirza 
will i ever be good enough? -  dr. karyl mcbride 
'don't you know who i am?' -- dr ramani 
the language of letting go - melody beattie 
it didn’t start with you - mark wolynn
healing ancestral karma - dr. steven farmer 
the body keeps score - bessel van der kolk M.D. 
mean mothers: overcoming the legacy of hurt — peg streep
complex PTSD: from surviving to thriving — pete walker
already enough: a path to self acceptance — lisa olivera
adult children of emotionally immature parents — lindsay c. gibson psyd
mother hunger — kelly mcdaniel
what my bones know — stephanie foo
toxic parents — susan forward


codependent no more - melody beattie 
beyond codependency - melody beattie
attached - amir levine and rachel helle
the rough patch - daphne de narneffe
girl, isolated: poems, notes on healing, etc - trista mateer
dance of anger — harriet lerner
no bad parts: healing trauma and restoring wholeness with the internal family systems - richard schwartz
big friendship; how we keep each other close - aminatou sow + ann friedman
tiny beautiful things; advice on love and life from dear sugar - cheryl strayed
love me, don't leave me: overcoming fear of abandonment and building lasting, loving relationships — michelle skeen
the high-conflict couple: a dialectical behavior therapy guide to finding peace, intimacy, and validation — alan e. fruzzetti
the betrayal bond: breaking free of exploitive relationships — patrick carnes ph.d.
siblings without rivalry — adele faber + elaine mazlish
polysecure: attachment, trauma and consensual nonmonogamy — jessica fern
real love: the art of mindful connection — sharon salzberg
drama free: a guide to managing unhealthy family relationships — nedra
running on empty, overcome childhood emotional neglect — jonice webb


the four agreements - don Miguel Ruiz
a new earth - eckhart tolle
the power of now - eckhart tolle
stitches - anne lamott
presence- amy cuddy
everything you’ll ever need you can find within yourself — charlotte freeman
year of yes - Shonda Rhimes
white hot truth - danielle laporte
the magic of thinking big - david j. schwartz
a gentle reminder — bianca sparacino
radical forgiveness - colin tipping
somewhere in between — kelly peacock
emotional agility - susan david
how to be a person in the world - heather havrilesky
what if this were enough? - heather havrilesky
disaster preparedness - heather havrilesky
you deserve the truth - erica williams simon 
when you’re ready, this is how you heal — brianna wiest
aware - dr. daniel siegel M.D. 
all that you deserve — jacqueline whitney
advanced manifesting made easy - james goi jr. 
the unfolding now - a.h. almaas 
running on empty- jonice webb 
complex ptsd; from surviving to thriving - pete walker 
all about love - bell hooks 
outrageous openness - tosha silver
what happened to you?: conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing - oprah winfrey + bruce perry
the war of art: break through the blocks and win your inner creative battles —steven pressfield
the courage to create — rollo may
revolution from within: a book of self-esteem — gloria steinem
good morning monster - catherine gildiner
pick three: you can have it all - randi zuckerberg
when things fall apart - pema chodron
vibrate higher daily: live your power — lalah delia
getting to center: pathways to finding yourself within the great unknown — marlee grace
burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle — emily nagoski + amelia nagoski
the daily stoic: 366 meditations on wisdom, perseverance, and the art of living — ryan holiday + stephen hanselman
101 essays that will change the way you think — brianna wiest
homecoming: overcome fear and trauma to reclaim your whole, authentic self — thema bryant
the psychology of money — morgan housel
the age-proof brain — marc milstein phd
comfortable with uncertainty — pema chödrön's
flowers on the moon — billy chapata
the inner work — matthew micheletti + ashley cottrell
home — whitney hanson
communion — bell hooks
healing honestly: the messy and magnificent path to overcoming self-blame and self-shame — alisa zipursky
language of emotions: what your feelings are trying to tell you — karla mclaren
own your greatness: overcome impostor syndrome, beat self-doubt, and succeed in life — lisa + richard orbé austin
the anxiety reset — gregory l lantz
the garden within — dr. anita phillips
the way of integrity — martha beck
the courage to be disliked — ichiro kishimi + fumitake koga
don’t believe everything you think — joseph nguyen


profit first - mike michalowicz
influencer - brittany hennessy
shift your mind - steve chandler
the power of habit: why we do what we do in life and business — charles duhigg
the big leap - gay hendricks
how to not always be working - marlee grace 
solid ground - sevetri wilson 
good to great - jim collins 
creator - steve chandler 
think and grow rich - napoleon hill 
the lazy genius - kendra adachi
next move, best move - kimberly cummings
it's not your money: how to live fully from divine abundance - tosha silver
we should all be millionaires: a woman’s guide to earning more, building wealth, and gaining economic power - rachel rodgers
I will teach you to be rich - ramit sethi
resilient: how to overcome anything and build a million dollar business with or without capital - sevetri wilson
professional troublemaker: the fear-fighter manual - luvvie ajayi jones
solid ground: a foundation for winning in work and in life — t.w. lewis
the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you — julie zhuo
the imposter cure: escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome — dr jessamy hibberd
zen and the art of making a living: a practical guide to creative career design — laurence g. boldt
influence, new and expanded: the psychology of persuasion — robert cialdini
breakthrough advertising — eugene m. schwartz and martin edelston
on creativity — by harvard business review; francesca gino, adam grant, ed catmull, teresa m. amabile
finnegans wake — james joyce
how to keep house while drowning — KC davis
the almanack of naval ravikant: a guide to wealth and happiness — erin jorgenson
girls the invest — simran kaur
reclaim your time off — fab giovanetti
make time: how to focus on what matters every day — jake knapp + john zeratsky
automate your busywork — aytekin tank
zen and the art of making a living — laurence g. boldt
digital minimalism — cal newport
house love — patric richardson
the creative act: a way of being — rick rubin


white rage - carol anderson
how to raise an antiracist - ibram x. kendi
on the other side of freedom - deray mckesson 
cringeworthy - melissa dahl
this will be my undoing - morgan jerkins
rabbit - patricia williams
hunger - roxane gay
heavy - kiese laymon
on the other side of freedom: the case for hope — deray mckesson
the wake up: closing the gap between good intentions and real change —michelle miJung kim
token black girl — danielle prescod
his name is george floyd — robert samuels and toluse olorunnipa
black boy out of time — hari ziyad


super woman rx - tasneem bhatia md
skin cleanse - adina grigore
the inflammation spectrum: find your food triggers and reset your system - will cole + eve adamson
food: what the heck should i cook? - dr. mark hyman
this is your brain on food: an indispensible guide to the surprising foods that fight depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and more - uma naidoo md
body neutral — jessi kneeland
breath — james nestor
unwell women — elinor cleghorn
medical herbalism — david hoffman
reflections of the moon on water; chinese medicine — dr. xiaolan zhao
making plant medicine — richo cech
adaptogens: herbs for strength, stamina, and stress relief — david winston


emergency contact - mary hk choi
Life beyond measure; letters to my great granddaughter - sidney poitier
ill tell you in person - chloe caldwell
home body - rupi kaur
i used to have a plan: but life had other ideas — alessandra olanow
verity - colleen hoover
open: an uncensored memoir of love, liberation, and non-monogamy — rachel krantz
take more vacations — scott keyes
I never promised you a rose garden — joanne greenberg
the dogs I have kissed — trista mateer
how to fall out of love madly — jana casale
before the coffee gets cold — toshikazu kawaguchi
everybody else is perfect — gabrielle korn
obsessive, intrusive, magical thinking — marianne eloise
my grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry — fredrick blackman
a beginner's guide to the end: practical advice for living life and facing death bj miller + shoshana berger
sleep, the myth of 8 hours — nick littlehales
alone with you — olivie blake
everyone who can forgive me is dead — jenny hollander
more, a memoir of open marriage — molly roden winter
i swear somewhere this works — trista mateer